Thursday, May 21, 2015

Is this really May? Nose Job

Yesterday Debbie and I had coffee and dessert on the deck at Trinity.  I'm glad I had my camera along because I couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed swimmers out there in that water on May 20.

Certainly not the July crowd, but any number of swimmers in May is somewhat astounding.

When we finished our coffee and left, we climbed into a hot car where the temperature registered 88 degrees.  I figured it had been sitting in the sun, but even after driving through town and heading north on HWY 95, I looked again and saw temperature of 81.

So, we're having some warm weather, to say the least.  I told Debbie that by the time summer comes, we'll be tired of summer.  Maybe not!

I don't think Schweitzer usually looks like this in May.  This was taken earlier this morning.  Actually the neat clouds attracted me, but I also clearly noticed the lack of snow for this time of the year.  

Again, I took a photo with emphasis on the beautiful baskets brought to me yesterday by my friend Kari, standing next to the deck in the photo below.

Her daughter Sage is in a 4-H group which takes orders for the baskets as a fundraiser.  Kari spent two days delivering 145 baskets, so I'm thinking the kids are on to something with this annual sale.  The baskets come from a nursery in Spirit Lake.

They're so eye catching I decided to take a picture and then noticed my adorable little buddy watching me through his couch perch in the living room.  Not a bad setting for a cute doggie photo. 

Yay, Kari.  Yay, beautiful baskets!

Piggy received a coat of paint the other day.  I purchased my flying pig from Moose Valley Farms a few years ago and eventually the silver coating tarnished.  So, I figured it was time to have a pig of a proper piggly color.

Maybe I need to call him Percy . . . remember the speech class tongue twister:  Percy Pig is plump and pink.  I like plump, pink pigs, I think.  Thank you, Ann Curtis for teaching me that wonderful porcine thought.  I've found a use for it off and on over the years.   

Speaking of plump, let's talk about Festus who has the bestus of fat bellies.  Festus wanted to follow me to the paper box this morning, but he stayed back once I walked out on to the road.

Festus paid a visit to the Center Valley Veterinary Hospital earlier this year, and I think the doctor used the term "obese" about five times during our visit.

I don't know how one puts a cat on a diet, and judging from Festus' Meow Mix dish, which is seldom empty after a feeding, those pounds aren't coming from his daily catfood supply.

I remembered just a few minutes ago that today was Thursday Throwback, so I grabbed this photo from a book event.

Years and years ago, a group of my teaching friends and I got together for a summer barbecue.  We were an active, creative lot (some gatherings included dressing up in costumes from a large wardrobe owned by one of our friends).

Well, at this barbecue, someone came up with the idea of taping up our noses.  So, we did.  We sat in a circle and soon were in hysterics, looking at each other through tear-filled eyes.

Taping up one's nose doesn't exactly get you on the cover of glamour magazines, but it does occasionally break up the monotony.

Occasionally, during my remaining years of teaching, when things seemed a bit dull in the classroom, I reached into my desk drawer, hid my face briefly, taped up and then resumed class.  Things usually livened up a bit.

I have declared today as National Tape Up Your Nose Day, so sometime during the day when you're feeling bored, go get the tape, do your nose job, look in the mirror OR better yet, take a selfie and post it on Facebook.

Dare you!!!!

Happy Thursday!!!


Helen said...

That is one PLUMP cat! I don't think I've ever seen such a rotund feline.... but he looks happy so why does he need to go on a diet???

Marianne Love said...

Agreed! He is ALWAYS purring, so I think life is good for Festus.