Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Writer's Block

I have writer's block this morning.  It's on the bed next to my computer desk. And, I treasure it.

Visitors from next door came bearing gifts yesterday, and when they left, I still felt incapable of properly thanking them. 

A while back, Bev told me that she had often envisioned me sitting at my computer, writing away and that when she came across a new quilting feature which symbolized that image, she just had to try it. 

So, while Ron worked on his classic car over the winter, Bev sat at her sewing machine enjoying her talents, which included assembling a special quilt with the "writer's block" theme.

Both of my neighbors to the south were beaming as they stepped into the living room with Bev holding a big bag of goodies.  First, she pulled out a coffee cup mat and a napkin for me to use while I work here at the computer.

Then, she slowly pulled out the most beautiful quilt and held it up. 

My friends were almost giddy while telling me how much fun it was for both of them as the project unfolded and eventually came to completion.

Speechless.  That was my awkward reaction.  What a lovely, thoughtful gesture!

After we looked over the quilt, I summoned them upstairs to see where I spend a lot of my day, sometimes with "writer's block" here at the computer.  

"It will go on the bed here," I told them, and that is where it remains. 

Throughout the day, I stopped at the bed with each return to the computer, admiring Bev's talents and running my hand across the surface of a pattern that quilters say forms "port holes" for images. 

The craftsmanship is exquisite.  When Bev wanted me to tell me of small mistakes, I simply reminded her of the Navajo tradition of leaving a flaw in every blanket for true authenticity. 

So, my untrained eye can see no mistakes.  Instead, it sees a beautiful treasure, reminding me of the neighborly way. 

Thank you, Bev and Ron, for being such wonderful neighbors and thank you so much for this permanent and welcome sample of "writer's block." 

Happy Wednesday. 


Anonymous said...

Those people aren't neighbors od friends......those people are blessings!

Anonymous said...

What an incredible gift!